When you configure disclaimer on Zimbra, disclaimer will display on every email that you sent, reply or forward. Yes, you can configure disclaimer only for outgoing email. However, If you correspond with the same person, disclaimer still display on every email that you sent, reply or forward.
For some users, the disclaimer annoying enough. You can disable disclaimer when reply and forward email. If disclaimer not show formerly when you reply email, disclaimer will display. But, if disclaimer have been there, disclaimer will not display
The following are step by step to custom disclaimer
# Create amavis custom
vi /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd-reply-fw.conf
Fill with the following line
package Amavis::Custom; use strict; sub new { my($class,$conn,$msginfo) = @_; my($self) = bless {}, $class; my($subj) = $msginfo->get_header_field_body('subject'); my($refs) = $msginfo->get_header_field_body('references'); my($inre) = $msginfo->get_header_field_body('in-reply-to'); if ($msginfo->originating && (defined $refs || defined $inre || $subj =~ /^\s*re:/i)) { Amavis::load_policy_bank('OUR-REPLY'); } $self; } 1; # insure a defined return
# Save and edit amavisd.conf.in
cp /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf.in /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf.in-backup vi /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf.in
Add the following line before $policy_bank{‘ORIGINATING_POST’}.
$policy_bank{'OUR-REPLY'} = { allow_disclaimers => 0, }; include_config_files('/opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd-reply-fw.conf');
# Save and restart Amavis
zmamavisdctl restart
Please try to send and reply email
Good luck and hopefully useful 🙂
Source : https://sourceforge.net/p/amavis/mailman/message/24129901/
hi iman ,
i need to configure disclaimer but its not working please help me
Hi Amithrajc,
You can try this one : https://imanudin.net/2015/12/17/solved-disclaimer-not-workingappear-on-zimbra/
Hey, thanks a lot! It’s working!
I just modified the settings to adapt it to my needs: I wanted to disable the disclaimer for emails sent to a specific domain :
amavisd-reply-fw.conf renamed amavisd-no-disclaimer-4domain :
package Amavis::Custom;
use strict;
sub new {
my($class,$conn,$msginfo) = @_;
my($self) = bless {}, $class;
my($dest) = $msginfo->get_header_field_body(‘To:’);
if ($msginfo->originating &&
(defined $dest =~ /^\s*DOMAINNAME/i)) {
1; # insure a defined return
And my /opt/zimbra/conf/amavisd.conf.in
$policy_bank{‘NO-DISCLAIMER’} = {
allow_disclaimers => 0,
Very good, thank you !
Thanks for your sharing 🙂
Kalau disable disclaimer email yang terkirim untuk user tertentu (misalkan admin@domain.com) bagaimana caranya?
Hi mas,
Saat ini belum nemu caranya mas.
Very helpful indeed. Thank you so much Sir.