In the previous article, I am using Zimbra Open Source Edition created by Beezim. In this article, I am using Zimbra 9 Open Source Edition unofficial created by ZeXtras. You can find full information about Zimbra 9 OSE created by ZeXtras here:
If you are looking for a Zimbra 9 installation on CentOS 7, please see this one: How to Install Zimbra 9 Open Source Edition (Unofficial) on CentOS 7. If you are looking for a Zimbra 9 installation on Ubuntu, please see this one: How to Install Zimbra 9 Open Source Edition (Unofficial) on Ubuntu.
Here is how I install Zimbra 9 FOSS (unofficial) on CentOS 8 created by ZeXtras
# Install EPEL Repo
yum install epel-release -y yum update -y yum upgrade -y
# Install screen and wget
yum install wget screen -y
# Download script automatic configuration
This script will automatically configure /etc/hosts, hostname, create local DNS using BIND and install dependencies that required by Zimbra
screen -S install-zimbra wget -c chmod +x ./
Screen commands are used for background processes. When the SSH connection is lost, I can reconnect to the server and check the progress by running the screen -x.
When the script is run, you will be asked about the hostname, domain, and IP address. Below is the information I used
[INFO] : Configuring /etc/hosts Hostname. Example mail : mail Domain name. Example : IP Address :
# Download Zimbra binary
You must register here to get a link download: Or you can follow my steps below. I hope the download link is the same.
cd /opt/ wget -c
# Extract and Install Zimbra
tar -zxvf zcs-9.0.0_OSE_RHEL8_latest-zextras.tgz cd zimbra-installer ./
type Y if asked license agreement and repository package
Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] Y Use Zimbra's package repository [Y] Y
Select the packages to install. I do not install zimbra-imapd and zimbra-dnscache
Install zimbra-ldap [Y] Y Install zimbra-logger [Y] Y Install zimbra-mta [Y] Y Install zimbra-dnscache [Y] N Install zimbra-snmp [Y] Y Install zimbra-store [Y] Y Install zimbra-apache [Y] Y Install zimbra-spell [Y] Y Install zimbra-memcached [Y] Y Install zimbra-proxy [Y] Y Install zimbra-drive [Y] Y Install zimbra-imapd (BETA - for evaluation only) [N] N Install zimbra-chat [Y] Y
Type Y if asked The system will be modified. Continue?
if get a message like follows, enter or type Yes and change the domain name
DNS ERROR resolving MX for It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS Change domain name? [Yes] Yes Create domain: []
if you do not change the domain name on the above section, your domain name will become, and the email account will become
Type 6 then press the enter key to change the password of the admin account. Type 4 then press the enter key. Insert the password you want
Main menu 1) Common Configuration: 2) zimbra-ldap: Enabled 3) zimbra-logger: Enabled 4) zimbra-mta: Enabled 5) zimbra-snmp: Enabled 6) zimbra-store: Enabled +Create Admin User: yes +Admin user to create: ******* +Admin Password UNSET +Anti-virus quarantine user: ..... ..... Address unconfigured (**) items (? - help) 6 Store configuration 1) Status: Enabled 2) Create Admin User: yes 3) Admin user to create: ** 4) Admin Password UNSET 5) Anti-virus quarantine user: .... .... Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4 Password for (min 6 characters): [_47SUjFEQ] VeryS3cret
After inserting the password, Select, or ‘r’ for previous menu. If all has been configured, apply configuration and wait until Zimbra is finished installing.
*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] Yes Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.5731] Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.5731...done. The system will be modified - continue? [No] Yes Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20200501-161152.log
Type Yes if asked Notify Zimbra of your installation? then press the enter key when you see Configuration complete – press return to exit,
Check Zimbra status and version with these commands
su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol status" su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol -v"
[root@mailimanudinnet zimbra-installer]# su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol -v" Release 9.0.0_ZEXTRAS.e41af5bae02dd6e1ee964342d6efb01fdeb09927_202007113.RHEL8_64_20200710151420 RHEL8_64 FOSS edition, Patch 9.0.0_P4.
Below are some screenshots of webmail

Why not using a modern web app after login? as mention on Zimbra Wiki “A Zimbra Network Edition license is required to use the Modern Web App.”. So, you should buy Zimbra NE to get more Benefits
Congratulations, you had been finished install Zimbra 9 on CentOS 8. After install, you can improve anti-spam with some method below. This method is still relevant for Zimbra 9
Good luck
Asalamoalikum Imanudin.
In version 9 do we have active – active mailbox sync feature available? Zimbra used to promise that in version they will provide mailbox sync feature. I am checking the release notes but didn’t see anything related to that.
Thank you.
Waalaikumussalam Imran,
No, it is not available. Maybe, the active-active mailbox will be available on Zimbra X
Hello Ahmad,
Just an off topic question. I made some modifications in the distribution list. But, when I try to send email to the distribution list I just modified, its showing the old name and contacts. Can you kindly guide me what I should to refresh the changes?
Thank you!
Please try to decrease the interval polling GAL from Zimbra admin | configure | domains | Edit your domains. Or you can enforce GAL Sync by this command
You can find gal account name with this command
Kang, ini bisa di upgrade dari versi 8.8.11 ga ya?
Sangat bisa mas Andi
ada tutorial cara upgradenya kang? ato bisa saya migrasi langsung dari zimbra 8.8.11 ke zimbra 9 ini kang? apa yg harus saya lakukan kang?
apa bisa saya copy semua content di folder /opt/zimbra ke server baru dengan zimbra 9 kang?
Untuk upgrade bisa langsung dilakukan. Pastikan dibackup full dulu dan backupnya aman.
Proses upgrade, sama seperti instalasi biasa
1. Download binary yang sesuai OS
2. Ekstrak
3. Install dengan perintah ./
4. Jika ditanya do you want to upgrade? pilih yes
5. Tunggu hingga proses upgrade selesai
Jika butuh prof services, saya bisa ko bantuin proses upgradenya
ada tutorial cara upgradenya kang? ato bisa saya migrasi langsung dari zimbra 8.8.11 ke zimbra 9 ini kang? apa yg harus saya lakukan kang?
Hi iMan
So good document and if I would like use Nextcoud to intergrate Zimbra 9 LDAP with SSL, could you please recommend ?
You can try from this wiki:
Do you think that ZCS9OSE by zextras(unofficial) can support zextras suite and team pro?
Hi Funig,
I think yes. Because Zimbra 9 (Unofficial) in this article was made by ZeXtras
I hope so, but I was disappointed when I read the article below.
Read —Support and General Availability.
I wish we could use team app and zextras suite as well as zoom and slack.
Did you try to install zextras suite over ZCS9(by Zextras unofficial)?
Is it available by chance?
Hi Funig,
No. I have not to try to install ZeXtras Suite over ZCS9 directly from the installer. But I am sure ZeXtras Suite is Supported because it already production on Zimbra NE (as Network NG Module) :). Except for the Zoom and Slack integration :). However, you can check the roadmap. ZeXtras has some plan to improve its product:
According to this post, we can use zextras suite and team pro and zoom, slack?
Happy Integration is not a dream?
(But I cannot understand Cyrillic alphabet, haha…)
Dear Ahmad Imanudin,
Good morning, I have installed and configured Zimbra 8.7.11 version in my Centos Linux system. Now I am facing issues after enabled auto copies, I am receiving multiple duplicates copies. Please help me to stop the same.
Balaji V
Hi Balaji,
I recommend you to upgrade your Zimbra version to 8.8.15 or 9.0.0. AFAIK, Zimbra 8.7.11 is already EOL
Sore Kang Iman,
versi zimbra yang sudah support TLS 1.3 dari versi berapa ya?
makasih Kang sehat selalu
Hi mas Nur,
Untuk saat ini belum ada mas. Karena harus di upgrade dulu versi openSSL dan openJDK nya. Infonya bisa dicek disini:
Kang Iman,
apakah untuk zimbra 7.2 bisa di migrasikan ke zimbra 9 ? (sebelumnya create dari zextras migration tool di zimbra lama 7.2)
terima kasih kang
Hi kang,
Untuk importnya kemungkinan tidak bisa. ZeXtras Suite yang baru harus request dulu trial license untuk bisa import
Hi, Imanudin.Thank you for precious infomations every time.
I have a question about zimbra9 OSE(by zextras) installation.
As you know, CentOS8 has changed its EOL. Everyone is seeking alternative destination.
Alma-Linux is a strong canditate.but as for Zimbra installation, it failed below.
Perhaps name of packages and so on…I don’t have an idea.
Ever with platform-override option, It failed in the end.
Do you think that we can install zimbra9 on Rocky-Linux?
In the same way, do you think that it may fail on Rocky-Linux?
(By the way, it succeeded on oracle-linux 8.3 below.Although it is ZCS 8.8.15…)
Please tell me your opinion.
Hi Funig,
I cannot give you my opinion. I have not tried install Zimbra on Alma or Rocky Linux. But, I ever install on Oracle Linux and it works
Please Update zimbra download path, mentioned path is not working >>wget -c
I have the same problem.
Hi Sunil,
I will check later and update soon