Sometimes, I got my Zimbra very slow when accessed. So, I decide to upgrade RAM on my Zimbra Server. But, my Zimbra server is still slow. And got “sqltrace – Slow execution” from mailbox.log
2019-05-10 10:00:53,897 INFO [qtp335471116-1747232:http://localhost:8080/service/soap/BatchRequest] [name=myuser@myzimbraserver.tld;mid=1016;oip=123.xx.xx.xx;ua=ZCS/ 8.X.X_XX_XXXX;soapId=3e2f6cd7;] sqltrace - Slow execution (7784ms): SELECT, mi.type, mi.parent_id, mi.folder_id, mi.prev_folders, mi.index_id,mi.imap_id,, mi.size, mi.locator, mi.blob_digest, mi.unread, mi.flags, mi.tag_names, mi.subject,, mi.metadata, mi.mod_metadata, mi.change_date, mi.mod_content, mi.uuid FROM mboxgroup16.mail_item AS mi WHERE mailbox_id = 1016 AND parent_id = 24192 ORDER BY DESC,
My Zimbra is still slow because I didn’t adjust the configuration of java_heap and my.cnf. You can see performance tuning guidelines from this link:
And this is what I do after upgrading RAM
Set java_heap 20% – 25% of system memory. The following configuration is an example when having RAM 16 GB
su - zimbra
zmlocalconfig -e mailboxd_java_heap_size=4096
Adjust my.cnf with the new innodb_buffer_pool_size value. Perform this command
su - zimbra
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmmycnf > /tmp/newmycnf.txt
Compare my.cnf with the new one
diff /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf /tmp/newmycnf.txt
[zimbra@myzimbra ~]$ diff /opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf /tmp/newmycnf.txt 35c35 < innodb_buffer_pool_size = 629000601 --- > innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1030253568
The new innodb_buffer_pool_size value is 1030253568. Stop Zimbra services and open my.cnf and adjust innodb_buffer_pool_size with the new value. Then, restart Zimbra services again.
Now, my Zimbra faster than before
Good luck
What could be the configuration for 24GB RAM?
Hello Edrin,
The configuration is same.
1030253568 is this number on bit or byte
I mean 10 GB or 1 GB.
do u mena innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1030253568 >> 10 GB or 1GB.
I am really confused on this number,so what is the number?
Also, is there another configuration value for increasing up the zimbra proformance.
what is the best zimbra server configuration for 8XX mailboxes “400 active”
Hi Ahmed,
You can see the explanation here for innodb: and here: for tune up Zimbra