How To Install Zimbra 8.6 on CentOS 6 Part 2

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After previously preparation for install Zimbra has been finished, we can install Zimbra right now. First, we can download Zimbra Binary from this link or if you are in Indonesia region, you can download at the following link

cd /opt/
wget -c

After finished download, extract Zimbra, move into folder result of extract and install Zimbra

tar -zxvf zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL6_64.20141215151155.tgz
cd zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL6_64.20141215151155

type Y if asking license agreement

Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] Y

Select the packages that will be installed

Install zimbra-ldap [Y] Y
Install zimbra-logger [Y] Y
Install zimbra-mta [Y] Y
Install zimbra-dnscache [Y] N
Install zimbra-snmp [Y] Y
Install zimbra-store [Y] Y
Install zimbra-apache [Y] Y
Install zimbra-spell [Y] Y
Install zimbra-memcached [Y] Y
Install zimbra-proxy [Y] Y

Type Y if asked The system will be modified.  Continue?

if you get message like below, press enter or type Yes and change domain name

DNS ERROR resolving MX for
It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
Change domain name? [Yes] Yes
Create domain: []

if you not change domain name on above section, your domain name will become and email of account will become Type 6 and then press key enter to change password of admin account and type again 4 and then press key enter. Insert your password that you want

   1) Common Configuration:                                                  
   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                       
   3) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled                       
   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled                       
   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled                       
   6) zimbra-store:                            Enabled                       
        +Create Admin User:                    yes                           
        +Admin user to create:                   
******* +Admin Password                        UNSET                         
        +Anti-virus quarantine user: 
Address unconfigured (**) items  (? - help) 6
Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                       
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes                           
   3) Admin user to create:                      
** 4) Admin Password                           UNSET                         
   5) Anti-virus quarantine user:    
Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4

Password for (min 6 characters): [s8eNUeOms] Verys3cr3t

After insert password, Select, or ‘r’ for previous menu. If all has been configured, apply configuration and wait a moment until zimbra finished install

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a
Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] Yes
Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.24648] 
Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.24648...done.
The system will be modified - continue? [No] Yes
Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup10052014-214606.log

Type Yes if asked Notify Zimbra of your installation? and if has been appeared Configuration complete – press return to exit, your zimbra installation has been finished. Check Zimbra status with this command su – zimbra -c “zmcontrol status” and make sure all service running well. You can also trying access webmail via browser at url https://ZimbraServer

zimbra 8.5 webmail

Congratulations, you have been finished install Zimbra 8.6 on CentOS 6. After install, you can improve anti spam with some method like the following :


Good luck and hopefully useful 😀

Let’s See the Video on Youtube


  1. Hi Pak Iman, the article very usefull thanks a lot… after this step whats should i do for transfering all email account from old mail server into zimbra mail server without changing the user password so no need to reconfigure on the client side for the outlook or other email client. thanks again really appreciated for your kind and help.

  2. Nice job, I followed every step but when I try to access via my browser a server not found message appears. Any idea what’s missing? Thanks for your help.

  3. Hello Iman,
    Thank you for your guide.
    I followed every step but got the following error:

    Initializing ldap…failed. (28416)


    Configuration failed

    Please address the error and re-run /opt/zimbra/libexec/ to
    complete the configuration.

    Can you help me with this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,

  4. Hi Mr Iman
    Firstly i thank you for this awsome Tutorial,
    i kinda found difficulty at sending mail from zimbra ,
    when i send an email to Gmail , yahoo
    why it always keep receive at spam folder?

    and also it rejected by hotmail when i sending it to hotmail

    Please advise
    Thank you
    Best Regards

    1. Hi Denny,

      You still need some improvement for enhance reputation of your email server such as PTR , SPF, DKIM, DMARC records

  5. Hello,
    Thanks a lot for your useful tutorial.After following your steps.I still cant receive or send out Emails Please advise were am going wrong.
    Errors:connection refused.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hi Mr Iman

    Firstly I want to thank you for this awesome Tutorial.
    I had a domain where mail is the server host name which I had configured with zimbra and is working fine and running smoothly over browser.
    But whenever I am adding a new domain say-, is not working over browser. I want to add that I had already added mx-entry in the Cpanel for this domain. Kindly assist me with the solution so that it should also work fine for


      1. Thanks for your solution Iman.
        Its working prefect!
        I have something to ask you :
        Can I create more than one mx-entry within Zimbra server priority wise?
        If yes then please guide me with the procedure.

        Best Regards

  7. Hi,
    Thank you firstable for those informations. But actually in my environment I have a Windows domain controller maded on Windows Server 2012 R2 and i joined CentOS 7 server to my domain wich is “lab.local”. This centos server have Zimbra installed. The problem here ismy users can’t open the zimbra web to get their inbox. Any suggestion?

  8. Om iman.. kok kirim keluar gak bisa ya. ke yahoo & gmail ??? padahal semua port zimbra sudah aku buka semua

    1. Halo mas,

      Koneksi internetnya pake apa? kalo pake Speedy, ngga bisa kirim email secara langsung dan harus relay dulu ke SMTP Relay mereka

  9. mas iman

    saya sudah sampai step terakhit

    bash: zmcontrol: command not found
    [root@mail zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL6_64.20141215151155]# su – zimbra -c “zmcontrol status”
    amavis Running
    antispam Running
    antivirus Running
    ldap Running
    logger Running
    mailbox Running
    memcached Running
    mta Running
    opendkim Running
    proxy Running
    service webapp Running
    snmp Running
    spell Running
    stats Running
    zimbra webapp Running
    zimbraAdmin webapp Running
    zimlet webapp Running
    zmconfigd Running
    [root@mail zcs-8.6.0_GA_1153.RHEL6_64.20141215151155]#

    tapi kenapa ip kenapa mail server nya ga mau di akses ya tapi di ping mau

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=235 ttl=64 time=0.037 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=236 ttl=64 time=0.049 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=237 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=238 ttl=64 time=0.046 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=239 ttl=64 time=0.047 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=240 ttl=64 time=0.047 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=241 ttl=64 time=0.050 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=242 ttl=64 time=0.050 ms

  10. Hi!
    I have a problem: When asked “Notify Zimbra of your installation?” i type Yes. And it appears “ERROR: Notification failed”. Then appear “Setting up zimbra crontab… done”. And then, nothing appears more. Can u help me fix it?
    Thank u very much

  11. hello,
    Thanks for your tutorial first.
    After I set up the server, three services cannot start (service webapp, zimbra webapp and zimbra admin webapp).
    i followed your step to set up the server except the part of BIND server due to the DNS record hold by the other server.
    Do you have any idea about that?

    1. Hi Kam fok,

      How about your resources? such as RAM, CPU and other resources? minimum requirement is 4 GB RAM and space Harddisk 5-7 GB.
      For DNS, my advice is please use internal DNS for Zimbra only (not depending from other server) 😉

  12. hi sir thanks for the zimbra installation. can you please help if how can i connect the local zimbra mail server to send and receive outside email (connect to our existing email provider via smtp and pop. (i will use local mail server to receive and send emails from LAN users without internet. connecting to our existing email provider thanks

  13. Hi iman

    I need some help to configure ISP Fail-over.

    I have configured a Zimbra Mail Server on CentOS. It is working fine. We have 2 ISP connections and created 2 MX records for both ISP’s like bellow PTR record created in ISP1(Primary) PTR record created in ISP2(backup)

    With this setup when my ISP1 is down we want to be able to access the Mail Server through ISP2. We are able to access mails internally.

    But problem is users who are using mail services from outside organization have to change their mail client settings to They need to make the change to access their mail through through web access. They have to use instead of

    My requirement is we should not have to change any settings at user end, and when my ISP1 goes down it should automatically redirect to the MX record at ISP2

    Can anybody suggest me how can I configure Fail-Over without changing any settings at mail client.

    1. Hi Rajesh,

      You only need to define 2 IP Public into single name. For example, refer into 2 ip public. It will configure as load balancing or fail over

  14. Hallo mas makasih atas tutornya saya ada sedikit kendala nih di mta gak mau running + pas saya cek via webbase admin semua service gak running juga, saya udah coba searching di google masih gak nolong, cara benerinnya gimana ya ?

  15. Can you help me ?
    Checking for port conflicts
    Port conflict detected: 80 (zimbra-store)
    Port conflicts detected! – Press Enter/Return key to continue

    1. Hi Mirkelam,

      Are you also install apache/httpd on your system? if yes, please stop and disable the services when booting.

  16. hi iman ,
    thanks for your support

    i have issue with sending mail to particular domain at the same time i am able to send mail to other domain very well

    error message : This is the mail system at host

    I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
    be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.

    For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

    If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
    delete your own text from the attached returned message.

    The mail system

    : Host or domain name not found. Name service error
    for type=A: Host not found

    can you please help me with this issue

  17. Simple and easy to understand Step By Step procedure Iman. I heart fully congratulate you for such wonderful article.

    To all those who still wanted to leave the firewall on, they need to allow ports 80, 443 & 7071.

  18. halo pak iman,

    saya lagi coba instal zimbra di kantor tapi saya kena error ini wkt install:

    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 done.
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 checking isEnabled zimbra-ldap
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 zimbra-ldap is enabled
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 Initializing ldap…
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 *** Running as zimbra user: /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmldapinit
    could not open session
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 failed. (256)
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016


    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016

    Configuration failed

    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 Please address the error and re-run /opt/zimbra/libexec/ to
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016 complete the configuration.
    Thu Sep 22 15:22:46 2016
    Errors have been logged to /tmp/zmsetup09222016-151614.log

    ini masalahnya dimana ya pak? saya padahal sudah ikutin semua petunjuk bapak di website ini. mohon bantuannya ya pak. thanks.

  19. hi iman,
    it is working fine, when i open the other system i have to write ie. now i want to open it only i write, i mean i want to open it on both https and http mode, please suggest me in details what should i do, i am new in this field so please tell me in details

    1. Hello,

      Please try this command

      su - zimbra
      zmtlsctl both
      zmprov ms zimbraReverseProxyMailMode both
      zmcontrol restart
  20. Hi Iman,

    Please help,
    I missed out this part.. How can I correct this?

    DNS ERROR resolving MX for
    It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
    Change domain name? [Yes] Yes
    Create domain: []


  21. I am new in this field Sir after download the file with idm in which folder I place the setup and how?
    and 2nd is any domain name I can use?

    1. Hello Waqas,

      1, You can upload Zimbra from your Windows using SCP and put on /opt folder
      2. You can buy a domain or you can use fake domain for the purpose of learning (example : imanudin.local)

  22. Hi Iman,
    After installing and configuring everything like PTE,SPF and DKIM i am getting repeated spam mails from my ID. Please find the attached screen. And most of the time it hangs a lot creating n/w issues also. Kindly help me on this. Thanks in advance. file:///root/Desktop/ZImbra.png

      1. Dear Iman,
        Thank you for your response, I have done the same mentioned in ur page even after i am getting the same spam mails with the subject of Spam FROM LOCAL []:54570 and the content i will be sending you in separate mail. Per minute 5-6 mails similarly.
        Thanks in advance….

  23. The Mail subject is spam FROM LOCAL []:57128
    And the content is Content type: Spam
    Internal reference code for the message is 15449-20/kIEHVXyzO6WX

    First upstream SMTP client IP address: []:59776 localhost
    Received from: < < <

    From: “¡¹¥þÀ]¶W¼ö½æ°Ó«~24·Q®É§Ö³t°e¹F¡¹Brad”
    X-Mailer: behind 317 because
    Subject: ¢e³±³¡¡B¨ÅÀY¨ë¿E«ö¼¯¢eBrad
    Not quarantined.

    The message WAS NOT relayed to:
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam
    250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=15449-20 – spam

  24. Dear Iman,
    Thank you for your quick response. In my zimbra log i am getting below line per second 40-50. Kindly need your suggestion on this.

    Oct 17 10:38:51 localhost postfix/smtp[28977]: 6616DC2FA8: to=, relay=[]:10032, delay=1.8, delays=0.35/0/0/1.4, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 from MTA(smtp:[]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as CAD92C2FA7)

  25. Dear Iman,

    Sorry for the long post. And thank you for your reply…. I did the same even after that i am getting too much hits from other domains. I just blocked port 25 globally hits got reduced. Hope this is not a right method in that way i am not receiving mails from other domains. Any suggestion!!!! Thanks in advance…

  26. Hi Iman,
    I setup mail server Ok. But i want mail server automatic logout when not user in 15 minute.
    Pls, help me…

  27. Hi Iman,

    Zimbra was working fine last few weeks, Suddenly i am facing error like could not send message:mail.SEND_FAILURE method: [unknown]
    msg: SMTP server reported: MESSAGE_NOT_DELIVERED
    code: mail.SEND_FAILURE
    detail: soap:Sender
    trace: qtp509886383-427:

    Body: {
    SendMsgRequest: {
    _jsns: “urn:zimbraMail”,
    m: {
    did: “1701”,
    e: [

    Please help me to get this error resolved. Thanks in advance..

  28. Hi, thanks !!!
    Udah install sesuai step yang ada tapi serice proxy ga bisa jalan
    napa ya ?

    runing services

    amavis Running
    antispam Running
    antivirus Running
    ldap Running
    logger Running
    mailbox Running
    memcached Running
    mta Running
    opendkim Running
    proxy Stopped
    zmnginxctl is not running
    service webapp Running
    snmp Running
    spell Running
    stats Running
    zimbra webapp Running
    zimbraAdmin webapp Running
    zimlet webapp Running
    zmconfigd Running

  29. Dear Iman,

    Good Day!!!! As per your suggestion configured everything working fine now. Please let me know any option to add one more domain on the same server.

  30. Hi Iman,

    Thank you for your quick response.. I have done the same domain also added . And i have created the mail ID for added domain.I can able to communicate internally but I am not able to communicate with other domains(Google & yahoo). please help me on this.

  31. Dear Iman,

    Happy to see your reply.. i have followed all your guidance and everything working fine for my first domain. I have created the new domain on the same server in Zimbra Admin | Configure | Domains | Add new domain from that newly created domain i can not able to sent mails to external domains like gmail & yahoo. need your assistance for the newly created domain.

  32. Dear Iman ,
    we happy that we are resolving the issue with your help recently i facing 1 issue

    from particular domain i am not getting mail while i am checking in the log that mail is filter

    Sender address triggers FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10024

    kindly help me on this


  33. Dear Iman ,

    Can you explain I have domain GoDaddy and I created in account A and MX records Ok

    My doubt is same server also we can create A and MX records

    in bind

    Or Can you send step by step configuration Zimbra mail server

  34. The article was helpfull.,iam still stuck in the following step.
    *** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE – press ‘a’ to apply
    Select from menu, or press ‘a’ to apply config (? – help) a
    Save configuration data to a file? [Yes]
    Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.12915]
    Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.12915…done.
    The system will be modified – continue? [No] yes
    Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup02242017-003852.log
    Setting local config values…done.
    Initializing core config…Setting up CA…done.
    Deploying CA to /opt/zimbra/conf/ca …done.
    Creating SSL zimbra-store certificate…done.
    Creating new zimbra-ldap SSL certificate…done.
    Creating new zimbra-mta SSL certificate…done.
    Creating new zimbra-proxy SSL certificate…done.
    Installing mailboxd SSL certificates…done.
    Installing MTA SSL certificates…done.
    Installing LDAP SSL certificate…done.
    Installing Proxy SSL certificate…done.
    Initializing ldap…failed. (28416)


    Configuration failed

    Please address the error and re-run /opt/zimbra/libexec/ to
    complete the configuration.

    Errors have been logged to /tmp/zmsetup02242017-003852.log
    can you pelase tel me why my ldap initialization is failing.

    I tried using oter packages,other version of OS etc.
    Even created a valid domain.
    Please help me in this.

    MY os :centos 6.8 minimal.
    Zimbra version:8.6

    1. Hi Aravind,

      Could you share your resources such as CPU, RAM and harddisk? Minimum requirement for install Zimbra are 4 GB RAM, single core CPU and 20 GB free space harddisk

  35. What can i do sir please help
    Address not found
    Your message wasn’t delivered to because the address couldn’t be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
    The response was:
    550 No Such User Here

    1. Hi MD.Arifuzzaman,

      The getting information is 550 No Such User Here. Please make sure you sent into correct email address

  36. /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postqueue -f
    bash: /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postqueue: No such file or directory
    plz suggest me what can i do

  37. Hi Mas,
    Good Day!!! Hope you are doing good…
    Is that necessary to have SSL for zimbra mail server from CA’s? If yes please let me know the procedures…
    Thanks in advance…..

    1. Hi Manikandan,

      I am good. How about you?

      SSL for Zimbra is recommended. So that you can access Zimbra from browser, mobile devices and another application with trusted SSL.

      I am also sell SSL Certificate from Comodo (include apply on your Zimbra server). If you interested, please contact me from contact link : 🙂

  38. Hello, i installed this on centos7 but zimbra service show active (exited), and i can not enter to admin page either…
    Using zimbra 8.7.10
    Thank you!

    1. Hello Pepe,

      Please try these step

      - Stop all Zimbra service (su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol stop")
      - Make sure all services has been stopped (ps ax | grep -i zimbra)
      - Kill Zimbra services if still exist (kill -9 PID-Zimbra)
      - Start again Zimbra service (su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol start")

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