Few days ago, i am migrating Zimbra mail server from OSE version to NE version. The migrating process working fine from migrating Account, Password, Alias Account, Distribution List, Mailboxes and etc. All account after migration still using default value on new Zimbra NE. My client want the new Zimbra NE using value/parameter like Class Of Services on old Zimbra. Create the COS on new Zimbra with the same name/value/features like COS on old Zimbra. After created, the new COS applied to all account with the following command.
zmprov sac accountname cosname
zmprov sac admin@example.com staff
Note :
The above command will modify COS for admin@example.com account with COS name staff. If you want to set COS for all account, you can make a script as below
vi /srv/set-cos.sh
Fill with the following line
#!/bin/bash clear rm /srv/modify-cos.zmp echo "Retrieve zimbra user name..." USERS=`su - zimbra -c 'zmprov -l gaa | sort'`; for ACCOUNT in $USERS; do echo "Modify COS for account $ACCOUNT" echo "sac $ACCOUNT staff" >> /srv/modify-cos.zmp done
Give execute access and run the above script
chmod +x /srv/set-cos.sh sh /srv/set-cos.sh
The result of the above script is file with name modify-cos.zmp which is located in /srv/ folder. Execute it file with the following command as user Zimbra
su - zimbra zmprov < /srv/modify-cos.zmp
Good luck and hopefully useful 😀
how to migrate COS in zimbra to Zimbra.
Hi Rajkumar,
You can use ZeXtras to do that