Yesterday, one of my Team do upgrading Zimbra from 8.7.0 to 8.8.8. Zimbra server using Ubuntu 14.04 and Zimbra NE. Upgrade goes well until getting an error when starting Zimbra
Starting proxy...Failed. Starting proxy...nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "mail_login_ip_imap_max" in /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/includes/nginx.conf.mail:142 failed.
and log from nginx.log :
2018/06/02 16:45:11 [emerg] 27591#0: unknown directive "mail_login_ip_imap_max" in /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/includes/nginx.conf.mail:142
We are submit issue into Zimbra Support and problem solved 🙂 . Below is information from Zimbra Support
We have checked and found the nginx binary file was corrupt and that is the reason proxy service was not starting. We checked and compared md5sum of nginx binary file with our test setup and found md5sum was different. To fix this issue we have moved nginx binary and re-installed zimbra-nginx package then restarted proxy service.
Below are the steps to fix the issue.
root@mail:~# md5sum /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx 6abb9b1776793e786fd011dd193ff6aa /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx root@mail:~# root@mail:~# mv /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx_OLD root@mail:~# root@mail:~# apt-get install --reinstall zimbra-nginx root@mail:~# md5sum /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx ac7e9f1747b651a91421b01fd07e4f5c /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx root@mail:~# root@mail:~# su - zimbra zimbra@mail:~$ zimbra@mail:~$ zmproxyctl restart Stopping proxy...done. Starting proxy...done.
Finally, Zimbra Proxy can be starting again. Thanks, Heera Singh Koranga for the great support 🙂
need to take a zimbra incremental backup to External hard drive how to do
Zimbra Verstion : Zimbra 8.6.0_GA_1153
Hi Balakrishna S,
You can use rsync to do that. Your external hard disk can be mounted on your server
Hi Iman,
Im new to linux can you provide commands step by step
Hallo om imanudin
Saya melakukan migrate zimbra dari 8.6 centos 6 ke 8.8 centos 7, dengan menggunakan script zmprov dan sebagainya sekarang dalam tahap restore mailbox lumayan lama sudah 2,6Tb soalnya, yang saya lewatkan adalah di zimbra 8.6 ldap nya saya menggunakan attribute employeeNumber di schema inetorgperson, di schema ini saya masukkan nomor induk karyawan, dan di zimbra yang baru 8.8 setelah backup dan restore dari script tidak include attribute employeeNumber di schema tersebut, bagaimana melakukan backup dan restore semua attribute ldap dari zimbra 8.6 ke 8.8 baik itu employeeNumber dan status user di zimbra yang closed maintenance etc bisa di restore ke zimbra 8.8. apa saya harus ulang dari awal untuk migrate nya, mohon pencerahan dan detail nya.
terima kasih
salam open source
Hi mas Aswin,
Untuk custom LDAP sepertinya tidak terambil. Paling memungkinkan coba lakukan upgrade inplace diserver yang asli kemudian dicek, kira-kira atribut tersebut masih ada atau hilang setelah di upgrade
i am using zimbra 8.7.11 version, i didn’t configured external mail access its working fine with in my network,
few users working from home they are sending mails to external domain also those are our company domains only, how it happening ?? please advise.
Hi Sravan,
If your server has an internet connection, by default your server can be sending email to external. You can block port 25 outgoing on your router. So, your server will not able sending email to external
Hi Iman,
have done zimbra 9 patch update and after that getting below notification when i try to connect pop3, also not able to see proxy option under Home–Configure–Global Settings– Proxy in zimbra Admin panel. have you ever come across this issue
[info] 123122#0: *2688 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:0A000076:SSL routines::no suitable signature algorithm) while SSL handshaking, client: xxx.xx.172.138:51110, server:
You can try re-enable proxy with this command