Recently, i am move Zimbra NE from small harddisk into bigger harddisk. The server who moved is mailbox server. I am using rsync for move Zimbra data from small harddisk into bigger. After rsync already finished, umount/rename /opt folder to another folder. Make new /opt folder and mounting the bigger harddisk who already has Zimbra data from small harddisk into /opt folder. Restart Zimbra services and all working fine. But, when i am trying to backup with run zmbackup command, i get the following error
Neither a store or LDAP server, no backups required
Formerly, i could run zmbackup, zmbackupquery and other command. But, after moving Zimbra from small harddisk into bigger harddisk, i am could not using those command again with error like above. I am trying to run zmbackup on LDAP server and working fine. Hmm, it seems there something wrong. I am try this command
su - zimbra ls -l /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/backup/zimbrabackup.jar
and the file zimbrabackup.jar doesn’t exist. This is my mistake while rsync Zimbra from small harddisk into bigger harddisk who make excluding folder /backup. Copied the file zimbrabackup.jar from LDAP server into mailbox server
rsync -avP /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/backup/ root@mailbox:/opt/zimbra/lib/ext/backup/
After copied, i could run zmbackup, zmbackupquery on mailbox server again. But i am still get error while trying to backup user/full users like below
unknown document failure
Finally, i am restart Zimbra services on mailbox server and Zimbra backup working fine again.
su - zimbra zmcontrol restart
I hope this article would help whoever who has the same problem 😀
Good luck and hopefully useful 😀