1. kalau kebalikannya gimana pak?
    saya ingin pindahin mail accont zimbra saya ke cpanel, kira2 langkahnya bagaimana ya?

  2. Excellent solution for account migration, thank you for sharing, How did you migrate imap data in this case? without knowing the passwords .

    1. Hello,

      There some scenario for migrating email
      – All email should be downloaded via POP3 by users before migrate to the new server
      – Perform backup all data on cPanel and restore on another WHM/cPanel (you should have another WHM/cPanel). Reset all password and migrate use imapsync
      – Reset all password directly and migrate use imapsync

  3. This worked like a charm. Thank you very much for saving me and two support engineers from 4 hour of headache! 😀

    Interestingly, official Zimbra Wiki refers to rather cumbersome way of doing it through firebug.

  4. Hi iman,

    I’ve tried your tutorial but when I’m trying to log on using the same password as the cpanel isn’t working. I’m using Zimbra version 8.7.2 Collaboration.

    And after this command
    zmprov < /srv/create-account-zimbra.zmp

    The last output is
    usage: modifyAccount(ma) {name@domain|id} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2…]]

    Could you please help ?

    Thanks anyway.

      1. Hello Iman,

        I’ve already solved. Thanks a lot. Now I have another problem if you or anyone here could help me I appreciate it.

        I’m creating another script that will first sync (using imapsync) the content of the mail accounts from Cpanel server to Zimbra Server and then put the old password of the users. I’ve tested and it’s working pretty fine.

        My problem is I need frist save the shadow file, reset all mail accounts passwords to use imapsync (it doesn’t accept crypt passwords), sync all data of the mail and then use your script just this part

        echo “ma $ACC@imanudin.net userPassword ‘{crypt}$PASS'”

        to put back the original passwords of the users. As I said before it works.


        1) Does any way to use imapsync or another to sync all data of users e-mail accounts from Cpanel server to Zimbra Server without reset users’ password ?

        2) How to rollback users passwords in a Cpanel Server? It just replace the new shadow file with the older after reset all passwords or is there another way ?

        Sorry for the long text.


    1. Hi Eric,

      You can backup shadow password on cPanel and modify shadow password with password do you want. Shadow password can modify as plain text

  5. Hello.

    I did this process, and export account was very easy, so Now I want to know if you know some kind to import data from cpanel mails from exported account to zimbra, I try to use imapsync but customer doesn’t sent me password users, so I need to know if I can to use imapsync with encripted password previously exported file?

    1. Hello Mario,

      You can backup all data from existing cPanel and restore the backup to another cPanel. On another cPanel, you can reset password all user and you can imapsync their mailbox ;).

      That’s what i do to imapsync mailbox

  6. Hello Iman

    Thanks for your response, I will did that in the next time, in this case I compress all mail folder from Cpanel and copy folder in Zimbra server, then I did a script to import all data from cur and new folder with addMessage option in each mailbox in Zimbra and in one hour I finished migrate all data.


  7. H Iman
    all steps worked for me except the last command, i got the below error, how to solve this?

    zimbra@mail:~$ zmprov < /srv/create-account-zimbra.zmp
    [4] 7325
    -su: lt: command not found
    -su: /srv/create-account-zimbra.zmp: Permission denied

  8. Hi
    zmprov < /srv/create-account-zimbra.zmp instead in run
    zmprov < /srv/create-account-zimbra.zmp
    now accounts got created, my admin console id is admin@mydomain.com, now saying that authentication denied to login, how to solve this?

    1. Hi Prabhu,

      - Yes, you should use <. You can open sign <> when you get script on the article
      - You can use old password (from cPanel) for open Zimbra Admin Console
      - Or you can reset password with this command su - zimbra -c "zmprov sp admin@mydomain password-that-you-want"
  9. Pls, in need of urgent help!! My zimbra mail server HDD crashed, and I had to do a data recovery on the HDD from a data recovery company. All the folders and files were successfully recovered out, and now I’m seting up a fresh zimbra platform higher than earlier version. How best can I migrate (import) this recovered data into the new zimbra mail platform. Pls help urgently plsss anybody

      1. Hi Iman, The issue i’m having is that I installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS OS on the crashed Zimbra 8.0.2, but Ubuntu 12.04 has no more support and some dependencies are not available on their repository. (Zimbra 8.0.2 can only be used with Ubuntu 10 & 12.04). How do I go about this please?
        Expecting your reply. Thanks

        1. Hi Semeg,
          You can use CentOS 6 for recovery and restore. You can
          – Install CentOS 6 and install Zimbra 8.0.2
          – All configuration should similar with crash server (especially hostname)

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