What is Policyd?
Policyd is an anti spam plugin. Policyd have some module like quotas, access control, spf check, greylisting and others.
Zimbra Collaboration Suite is an email server who use Postfix as engine for MTA. By default, policyd have been bundled with Zimbra from Zimbra version 7.
Why we must use Policyd?
Policyd have module quotas. This module can use for limit sending/receipt email. As example just allow sending/receipt email 200 emails/hours/users. If your email server attacked by spam or compromised password some users and used by spammer, the maximum email can be sent as many as 200 emails per hour. This policy will safe your IP public from blacklist on RBL. Besides, you can check who user send email with many email
How To Install Policyd on Zimbra 8.5?
This guidance is step by step how to install policyd on Zimbra 8.5 and latest
# Activate Policyd
su - zimbra
zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraServiceInstalled cbpolicyd +zimbraServiceEnabled cbpolicyd
# Activate Policyd WebUI
– For Zimbra 8.5/8.6
Run the following command as root
cd /opt/zimbra/httpd/htdocs/
ln -s ../../cbpolicyd/share/webui .
Edit file /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/includes/config.php and putting “#” on front of all the lines beginning with $DB_DSN and adding the following line just before the line beginning with $DB_USER.
See the following example
#$DB_DSN="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cluebringer"; $DB_DSN="sqlite:/opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb"; $DB_USER="root";
Update 18 May 2017
– For Zimbra 8.7.x/8.8.x
Run the following command as root
cd /opt/zimbra/data/httpd/htdocs/
ln -s /opt/zimbra/common/share/webui/ .
Edit file /opt/zimbra/common/share/webui/includes/config.php and putting “#” on front of all the lines beginning with $DB_DSN and adding the following line just before the line beginning with $DB_USER.
See the following example
#$DB_DSN="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cluebringer"; $DB_DSN="sqlite:/opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb"; $DB_USER="root";
Restart Zimbra service and Zimbra Apache service
su - zimbra -c
"zmcontrol restart"
su - zimbra -c
"zmapachectl restart"
You can now access the Policyd Webui with browser at URL http://IPZimbra:7780/webui/index.php
Good luck and hopefully useful
Let’s See the Video on Youtube
i am facing this error can you please guide me what is this :
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:2/Name:Default Outbound]: Error while processing source item ‘%internal_ips’, skipping…
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:3/Name:Default Inbound]=>(group:internal_ips): – Resolved source ” to a IP/CIDR specification, but its INVALID: awitpt::netip::new(96): Failed to guess IP address version
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:3/Name:Default Inbound]: Error while processing source item ‘!%internal_ips’, skipping…
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:4/Name:Default Internal]=>(group:internal_ips): – Resolved source ” to a IP/CIDR specification, but its INVALID: awitpt::netip::new(96): Failed to guess IP address version
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:4/Name:Default Internal]: Error while processing source item ‘%internal_ips’, skipping…
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #21 (pipelined)
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, mode=update, host=, helo=mail2.hbfcl.com, from=hbl.estatement@hbl.com, to=rashid.ahmed@hbfc.com.pk, reason=quota_update, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:hbl.estatement@hbl.com, counter=MessageCount, quota=4.93/1000 (0.5%)
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:2/Name:Default Outbound]=>(group:internal_ips): – Resolved source ” to a IP/CIDR specification, but its INVALID: awitpt::netip::new(96): Failed to guess IP address version
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:2/Name:Default Outbound]: Error while processing source item ‘%internal_ips’, skipping…
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:3/Name:Default Inbound]=>(group:internal_ips): – Resolved source ” to a IP/CIDR specification, but its INVALID: awitpt::netip::new(96): Failed to guess IP address version
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:3/Name:Default Inbound]: Error while processing source item ‘!%internal_ips’, skipping…
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:4/Name:Default Internal]=>(group:internal_ips): – Resolved source ” to a IP/CIDR specification, but its INVALID: awitpt::netip::new(96): Failed to guess IP address version
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [POLICIES] WARNING: [ID:4/Name:Default Internal]: Error while processing source item ‘%internal_ips’, skipping…
[2019/09/18-12:22:55 – 60713] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #22 (pipelined)
Please check group | internal_ips. It seems there wrong content in the group internal_ips. Like blank line
thanks for your reply . There is nothing in internal ips.
groups>interal_ips> nothing in that.
any other suggestion ??
how make in multiserver mta?
Hello Zeratul,
You can install on MTA servers
Hi Ahmad,
Thank You for this very comprehensive guide. I was able to sucessfully implement it. I just have a question is it possible if I get a notification if an email is already using 50% of the allocated quota?
Thank You.
Hello Oliver,
Is not possible for now. Maybe you should create some script to reach it
mas Iman, mohon bantuannya, cbpolicyd nya error spt ini :
[TRACKING] ERROR: Failed to select session tracking info: awitpt::db::dblayer::DBSelect(126): Error executing select: database is locked
cara memperbaikinya gimana yah mas ? awalnya sy ikutin tutorial mas iman di zimbra 8.6, working nicely,
kemudian sy migrasi mail server sy dari sles11 zimbra 8.6 ke centos 7 , zimbra 8.8.15.
tp untuk cbpolicyd nya error spt diatas,
mohon pencerahan dari mas Iman,
Hi mas Ernest,
Jika dilihat dari lognya, database nya corrupt. Mungkin coba re-create ulang saja mas rule Policyd-nya
Hi Mas Ahmad,
Bagaimana cara untuk create ulang rule PolicyD-nya ?
Hi mas,
Bisa coba panduan berikut: https://imanudin.com/2020/03/27/membuat-ulang-database-policyd/
Hello Sir,
I have implemented policyd services with above procedure and thanks for that,
my policyd services is not running and getting following error in cbpolicyd.log
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: Process Backgrounded
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CBPOLICYD] NOTICE: PolicyD v2 / Cluebringer – v2.1.x-201205100639
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CBPOLICYD] NOTICE: Initializing system modules.
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CBPOLICYD] NOTICE: System modules initialized.
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CBPOLICYD] NOTICE: Module load started…
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => AccessControl: disabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => Accounting: disabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => Amavis: disabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => CheckHelo: disabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => CheckSPF: disabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => Greylisting: disabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => Quotas: enabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: => Protocol(Postfix): enabled
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CBPOLICYD] NOTICE: Module load done.
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CBPOLICYD] NOTICE: Session tracking is ENABLED.
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: 2020/03/02-16:14:37 cbp (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(23524)
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: Resolved [localhost]:10031 to []:10031, IPv4
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: Binding to TCP port 10031 on host with IPv4
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: Setting gid to “982 982”
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] INFO: Setting up serialization via flock
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] INFO: Beginning prefork (4 processes)
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] INFO: Starting “4” children
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23526] [CORE] ERROR: 2020/03/02-16:14:37 Couldn’t open lock file “./XK_T_QrltO”[Permission denied]
at line 213 in file /opt/zimbra/common/lib/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23527] [CORE] ERROR: 2020/03/02-16:14:37 Couldn’t open lock file “./XK_T_QrltO”[Permission denied]
at line 213 in file /opt/zimbra/common/lib/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23528] [CORE] ERROR: 2020/03/02-16:14:37 Couldn’t open lock file “./XK_T_QrltO”[Permission denied]
at line 213 in file /opt/zimbra/common/lib/perl5/Net/Server/PreFork.pm
[2020/03/02-16:14:37 – 23524] [CORE] NOTICE: 2020/03/02-16:14:37 Server closing!
Hi Sandip,
Please try to stop Zimbra sevices and run fixperms
Iman: hi! Great manual, i hardly wait to use it. But before doing modification (just don’t wanna break something) i just wannt to ask you if i can apply your manual to FOSS (community version of Zimbra) or it is only for commercial version of Zimbra? I still use Zimbra 8.5.1 FOSS (community) edition and would like to apply your manual on it.
Thank you!
Hi Jezdimah,
You can apply both of them
Great. I installed it and for now there is all ok
I hope it will stay that way!
Can we add sender bcc in policyd? I’ve created a group in policyd, if members in the group sends email then a copy of that email should send to manager ID. Kindly check and advice.
Hi Joseph Vimalan,
AFAIK, it is not possible. But you can try this one: https://imanudin.net/2014/12/19/how-to-archiving-on-zimbra-ose-auto-bcc-by-recipient/ and this one: https://imanudin.net/2014/12/18/how-to-archiving-on-zimbra-ose-auto-bcc-by-sender/
Hi Iman,
Thanks for your response. I’ve created sender bcc from the terminal.
very helpful guide, I’ve installed cbpolicyd, the service is running but I can’t access the webui, I get a 404 error on zimbra 8.8.15
Hi Cliff,
Please make sure you can access Zimbra Apache first on port 7780 (http://ipzimbra:7780). If it appears it works, the Zimbra Apache services already running. Then, you can check step by step to enable PolicyD WebUI
Hi iman,
I have the same problem. policyD service is running but cant access webui. zmapachectl is running and listening on If i try ti access zimbra apache on this port the result is the same – the site cant be reached.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Boris,
Please follow configure webui for your version. Please make sure the symlink command already run
mas iman saya pas su – zimbra disuruh masukin password, nah saya tidak tau harus menggunakan password yg mana yah? soalnya pake password adminnya gamasuk. mohon pencerahanya yah mas
Hi mas Rizal,
Pastikan ketika melakukan su – zimbra, posisinya sedang login sebagai user ROOT. Untuk cek user yang sedang digunakan apa, bisa dicek dengan perintah id. Jika sudah sebagai user Zimbra, tidak perlu lagi untuk menjalankan perintah su – zimbra
Hello and thank you for the comprehensive guide. I followed you steps but the policy does not seem to be working. Any suggestions?
Hi Curtis,
Please make sure port 10031 already listen on Postfix. You can check with the following command
I have a problem after the installation.
I tried to configure the policy group but it data doesnt appear after I add and submit it. I
Its a completely blank page
Hi Reden,
Please try this guidance: https://imanudin.com/2020/03/27/membuat-ulang-database-policyd/
Halo mas Iman,
Kalau untuk zimbra versi 8.8.15 bagaimana ?
Hi mas,
Sama saja mas
Hi Imanudin
I am having some serious issue with cbpolicyd. I have sucessfully installed and configured cbpolicyd in my zimbra server. Everything was working normal and policy was also working. Then after we upgraded our zimbra to 8.8.15. Then after we started having problem with cbpolicyd. When cbpolicyd is enabled mails start queuing up in the mail queue after which zimbra users cannot even send mail. There is only one policy in the cbpolicy to block a particular domain.
We have already optimized the cbpolicyd as mentioned in
https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/How-to_for_cbpolicyd (performance tuning)
Yes our mail server is large serving around 1700 mail accounts.
Resources of server is 10 core , 32GB RAM
We were not experiencing the problem before on zimbra 8.8.10 with same number of users and same server.
We also tried creating new db cbpolicyd.sqlitedb. But also same result.
Is it that cbpolicy is not able to handle the flow of emails of 1700 users? But it was working fine in 8.8.10.
Does anybody have any idea how can I get cbpolicy working. When error occurs there error log also shows that the databased is locked.
I recommend you to use multi server if have users 1700. With 32 GB of RAM, you can create 1 LDAP, 1 Mailbox, 1 mta+proxy and 1 mta server. The single MTA can be configured as incoming/outgoing email. Below are the details
Then, cbpolicyd can be installed and configured on MTA server. For internal MTA, you can use proxy+mta
Thanks Imanudin I will try to work on it. But at current situation I cannot bring my zimbra mail server down. Are there any other temporary fixes to make cbpolicyd working.
Do you configure cbpolicyd for large deployments already? like this one : https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Cluebringer_Policy_Daemon#Performance_tuning
Already configured to high volume servers. No luck.
Please use this command
Tried you given commands but no luck. I am now trying to change cbpolicyd sqlite db to mysql . Hope this will help.
Good. I also use mysql/mariadb for clustering cbpolicyd
Dear Iman can you create a tutorial on how to change cbpolciyd database from sqlite to mariadb.
I am stuck in web ui saying error connecting to database. I have uploaded the sqlite db to mysql. Configured backend connection for database in /opt/zimbra/common/share/webui/includes/config.php . Also defined database connection in /opt/zimbra/conf/cbpolicyd.conf. Done on the basis of following links
Tried installing php-pdo module to fix the connection.
It’s that means your problem has been fixed and solved?
No I was unable to use MySQL database in cbpolicyd. I will be extremely grateful if you could create a tutorial on installing cbpolicyd on MySQL i.e. changing from default SQLite.
Hi Ahmad,
Does PolicyD works on Zimbra 9?
Hi Temo,
Yes, it does
Thank you =)
Hello Ahmad,
is it possible to export old CbpolicyD config and import to server?
Hi Temo,
please see my latest posts
Hi Iman,
You are doing great job, your articles are very clear and helpful. Many thanks for doing this.
I’m using zimbra version 8.8.15 (open source). I’m getting spoofed emails from address as user@example.com to user@example.com. Is there any way I can reject those emails.
Hi Ramesh,
Please apply this:
– https://imanudin.com/2013/05/03/improvement-anti-spam-zimbra-reject-unlisted-sender/
– https://imanudin.net/2014/09/07/how-to-improvement-sender-must-loginenforcing-a-match-between-from-address-and-sasl-username-on-zimbra-8-5/
Hi Iman, how are you? I wanted to consult you since I am trying to install cbpolicyd in zimbra 8.8.15 and it does not apply the quota when I send from webmail but if when I send from smtp, will it be necessary to add something? Greetings
Hi Mariano,
Please paste the results from this command
Hello Magnet, I give you the result of the command. Greetings
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:localhost:10031
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:localhost:10031, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_unlisted_recipient, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unknown_client_hostname, reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org, reject_rbl_client b.barracudacentral.org, reject_rbl_client spam.spamrats.com, reject_rhsbl_client dbl.spamhaus.org, reject_rhsbl_client multi.surbl.org, reject_rhsbl_client rhsbl.sorbs.net, reject_rhsbl_reverse_client dbl.spamhaus.org, reject_rhsbl_sender multi.surbl.org, permit
smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:localhost:10031, check_sender_access regexp:/opt/zimbra/common/conf/tag_as_originating.re, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_tls_clientcerts, check_sender_access regexp:/opt/zimbra/common/conf/tag_as_foreign.re
Hi Mariano,
I see your policyd has been registered in smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions,smtpd_recipient_restrictions and smtpd_sender_restrictions
mas iman,
mas sy dah berhasil install policyD nya include dengan proteksi dengan username dan passwordnya … tetap knapa ya ketika sy add policy group tidak ada result nya , hanya kosong gitu aja , padahal ngga ada pesan error sama sekali … kira kira knapa ya
saya menggunakan ubuntu 18 dan zimbra Zimbra 8.8.15_GA_4173 (build 20211022125231)
terima kasih
Hi mas Taufik,
Bisa coba repopulate databasenya: https://imanudin.com/2020/03/27/membuat-ulang-database-policyd/
zimbra@mail:~/data/httpd/htdocs$ ln -s /opt/zimbra/common/share/webui/ .
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘./webui’: Permission denied
am getting this error on zimbra 8.8 am using ubuntu 18.04
Please use ROOT to make symlink
Please add one more line
You need to allow port 7780 to access webui
hi, mas Iman
mas saya menggunakan zimbra 8.6 sebelumnya pakai OS Sles11, skrg sudah di migrasi ke centos 7 ,
seinget saya dulu sy pernah implementasikan cbpolicyd nya di OS sles11,
setelah migrasi ke centos 7 , saya tidak bisa akses ke http://ipmailserver:7780/webui/index.php
” This site can’t be reached ” .
cara perbaikinya gimana yah mas ? agar bisa di akses kembali ,
kl sy “tail -f /opt/zimbra/log/cbpolicyd.log” , saya lihat jalan rate limit sending nya mas .
tp sy ga bisa akses ke webui nya ,
sy mau implementasikan check spf di cbpolicyd yang tutorialnya ada di web mas iman juga ,
Salam ,
hi i have configure cbpolicy is working fine but is not blocking mail when reach the limit which i have set 200. power hour
my self i have change limit to 3 for testing by send more than 4 mail and all mail delivered what was wrong.
[2022/11/29-13:14:42 – 17680] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, action=defer, host=, helo=EUR05-DB8-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com, from=***@TY.zt, to=victoria.ulula@abc.com, reason=quota_match, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:***@TY.zt, counter=MessageCount, quota=201.89/200 (100.9%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:43 – 16846] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #21 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:43 – 16846] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, action=defer, host=, helo=EUR01-DB5-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com, from=***@TY.zt, to=victoria.ulula@abc.com, reason=quota_match, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:***@TY.zt, counter=MessageCount, quota=201.84/200 (100.9%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:43 – 31142] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #46 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:43 – 31142] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, action=defer, host=, helo=EUR02-AM0-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com, from=***@TY.zt, to=temba.msemo@abc.com, reason=quota_match, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:***@TY.zt, counter=MessageCount, quota=201.84/200 (100.9%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:43 – 13065] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #55 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 13065] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, mode=update, host=, helo=esa.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, from=mailer-daemon@esa4.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, to=postmaster@abc.com, reason=quota_update, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:mailer-daemon@esa4.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, counter=MessageCount, quota=1.00/200 (0.5%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 7732] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #59 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 7732] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, action=defer, host=, helo=EUR01-VE1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com, from=***@TY.zt, to=michael.bujiba@abc.com, reason=quota_match, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:***@TY.zt, counter=MessageCount, quota=201.78/200 (100.9%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 13065] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #56 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 13065] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, mode=update, host=, helo=esa.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, from=mailer-daemon@esa4.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, to=postmaster@abc.com, reason=quota_update, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:mailer-daemon@esa4.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, counter=MessageCount, quota=2.00/200 (1.0%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 16654] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #15 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:44 – 16654] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, mode=update, host=, helo=esa.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, from=mailer-daemon@esa2.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, to=postmaster@abc.com, reason=quota_update, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:mailer-daemon@esa2.hc644-4.ap.iphmx.com, counter=MessageCount, quota=1.00/200 (0.5%)
[2022/11/29-13:14:45 – 5969] [CBPOLICYD] INFO: Got request #57 (pipelined)
[2022/11/29-13:14:45 – 5969] [CORE] INFO: module=Quotas, action=defer, host=, helo=EUR02-VI1-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com, from=***@TY.zt, to=temba.msemo@abc.com, reason=quota_match, policy=6, quota=3, limit=4, track=Sender:***@TY.zt, counter=MessageCount, quota=201.73/200 (100.9%)
If you have using 90%/100%, you can still sending 1 email. The next email will defer/reject
Starting cbpolicyd…Failed.
Starting policyd…failed.
cbpolicyd can not start do not know why! My zimbra version is 8.8, please tell me the problem! Thanks!
Please check on the /opt/zimbra/log/cbpolicyd.log file for the reason
I have moved my zimbra 8.8.15 from CentOS 7 to a new server running RockyLinux 8.1. Followed the procedure as you have described:-
su – zimbra
zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraServiceInstalled cbpolicyd +zimbraServiceEnabled cbpolicyd
Edit file /opt/zimbra/common/share/webui/includes/config.php and
putting “#” on front of all the lines beginning with $DB_DSN and
adding the following line just before the line beginning with $DB_USER
su – zimbra -c “zmcontrol restart”
su – zimbra -c “zmapachectl restart”
But, starting always fail:-
Starting policyd…failed.
Is cbpolicyd not available in Zimbra 8.8.15 for RockyLinux8.1, because Even if I try to reinstall (upgrade) with:-
It does not provide any option to install cbpolicyd.
Can I get it from some other source?
You can follow this guidance[1] and tailored with your OS
[1] https://imanudin.com/2022/03/10/solved-zimbra-cbpolicyd-segmentation-fault/